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Corporate news
Corporate Crime partner and head of our Dispute Resolution group Francien Rense was invited to deliver an expert witness statement to the Canadian Commission of Inquiry into Money Laundering in British Columbia, also known as the Cullen Commission.

In June 2022, the Commission concluded its major 3-year inquiry into money laundering issues in British Columbia by submitting its final report.

Money laundering schemes can be complex international structures, so it's very helpful to exchange insights and recommendations about an effective regulatory enforcement environment
Partner Francien Rense

"When the Cullen Commission asked me to share my experience and views on effective and efficient Anti-Money Laundering enforcement, I was very honored and happy to contribute to the inquiry," says Francien. "Money laundering schemes can be complex international structures, so it's very helpful to exchange insights and recommendations about an effective regulatory enforcement environment with experts and colleagues from across the globe. Grateful for having had the opportunity to contribute!"

About the Cullen Commission
In May 2019, the British Columbia government announced the establishment of the Commission of Inquiry into Money Laundering in British Columbia led by British Columbia Supreme Court Justice Austin Cullen.  

The mandate of the Commission was broad. The Commission was required to make findings of fact with respect to:

  • the extent, growth, evolution and methods of money laundering in British Columbia, with regard to specific economic sectors;
  • the acts or omissions of responsible regulatory agencies and individuals, and whether those have contributed to money laundering in the province or amount to corruption;
  • the scope and effectiveness of the anti-money laundering powers, duties and functions of these regulatory agencies and individuals; and
  • the barriers to effective law enforcement in relation to money laundering.

In addition, the Commission was asked to make recommendations to address the conditions which have enabled money laundering to flourish.

The Cullen report, released in June 2022, spans more than 1,800 pages and includes 101 recommendations. Over 2020 and 2021, the commission heard from 199 witnesses, including leading experts from various jurisdictions on global money laundering schemes.

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