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Deal or Case news
NautaDutilh assisted ABN AMRO Bank with the set-up of a strategic partnership with Franco-German financial services group ODDO BHF.

With this strategic partnership, ABN AMRO Bank and ODDO BHF are combining their equity brokerage services in Benelux. The joint venture will have a Benelux focus and will be located at ABN AMRO's headquarters in Amsterdam. Both parties expect the partnership to enhance the equity capital markets, corporate broking and equity brokerage services to both corporate and institutional clients, creating a broader range of high-quality equity research of over 500 stocks and an extended distribution network of more than 600 institutional clients in Europe and the United States.

In the past months, a joint venture has been established and all required approvals of the supervisory and regulatory authorities have been received. NautaDutilh assisted with the corporate, competition and regulatory aspects of the transaction and assisted the joint venture with obtaining the required regulatory approvals.

Click here to read the press release.

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