• Legal information Netherlands

    Contact details 
    NautaDutilh N.V.
    Lawyers Civil law notaries Tax advisers

    Beethovenstraat 400
    1082 PR Amsterdam
    The Netherlands

    P.O. Box 7113
    1007 JC Amsterdam
    The Netherlands

    T.+31 20 717 10 00
    F.+31 20 717 11 11
    E. info@nautadutilh.com

    Weena 800
    3014 DA Rotterdam
    The Netherlands

    P.O. Box 1110
    3000 BC Rotterdam
    The Netherlands

    T.+31 10 224 00 00
    F.+31 10 414 84 44
    E. info@nautadutilh.com

    Legal status, services provided and trade register/VAT numbers 
    NautaDutilh N.V. is a public limited liability company (naamloze vennootschap) organised under the laws of the Netherlands, whose corporate seat is at Rotterdam and which is registered in the trade register in Rotterdam under number 24338323. We provide a comprehensive range of legal services, including legal advice and litigation, as described on our website www.nautadutilh.com. NautaDutilh N.V.'s VAT numberis NL008562167B01 (for both the Amsterdam and Rotterdam office).

    Together with our clients, we agree on a fee arrangement that meets their needs and interests. Fees, 6% office surcharge and, if applicable, disbursements and VAT are specified in invoices. Invoices are sent monthly, but we can agree to send them with shorter or longer intervals. The payment term for invoices is thirty days as from the invoice date.

    General terms and conditions, applicable law and competent courts
    All legal relationships are subject to NautaDutilh N.V.'s general terms and conditions, which can be consulted at our website and will be provided free of charge upon request. These conditions have been filed with the Rotterdam District Court. The legal relationships to which these general terms and conditions apply shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Dutch law. Disputes shall be submitted in first instance exclusively to the Amsterdam District Court.

    NautaDutilh N.V.'s lawyers, civil law notaries, junior civil law notaries and tax advisers are insured in accordance with the rules of their respective professional organisations under professional indemnity policies. Our insurance agent is Marsh B.V., Conradstraat 18, Rotterdam. More information can be found in the insurance declaration.

    Conflicts of interest
    NautaDutilh N.V.'s lawyers, civil law notaries, junior civil law notaries and tax advisers can offer you multidisciplinary services. NautaDutilh N.V. has various internal procedures in place to prevent conflicts of interest from arising, including by checking whether conflicts of interest exist with other matters that are or have been dealt with by NautaDutilh N.V. prior to accepting a new assignment. Also, civil law notaries have set up internal rules, in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations, to point out to their colleagues the laws and regulations applicable to the notarial profession and to oblige them in the same manner as civil law notaries not to infringe these.

    If you are not satisfied with any of our services, we encourage you to let the lawyers involved know. If you are not comfortable doing so, or this does not achieve the desired result you can contact NautaDutilh's complaints committee by sending an e-mail to complaintscommittee@nautadutilh.com. The committee will handle your complaint in accordance with our Complaints Procedure Rules (EN)/Kantoorklachtenregeling (NL). If you are not satisfied with the outcome, various options are open to you depending on the type of complaint. In all cases you retain the right to institute civil proceedings.

    Regarding lawyers of NautaDutilh N.V. you can issue disciplinary complaints with the dean of the appropriate local bar association (Amsterdam or Rotterdam), see the website for Amsterdam and for Rotterdam. 

    Regarding tax advisors you can file disciplinary complaints with the Disciplinary Council of the Dutch Association of Tax Advisers, see the website of the NOB. Please note that the website is only available in Dutch.

    Civil-law notaries and consumers
    The terms and conditions below apply specifically to notarial services rendered in connection with consumer transactions. 

    Civil-law notary’s explanation of the financial consequences of the services
    The civil-law notary informs clients, in a timely and clear fashion, regarding the financial consequences associated with his/her engagement. He/she provides clients with timely notification if the costs to be charged will be higher than agreed. The costs of these services may not be charged to another engagement, another portion of the engagement, or to anyone other than the client.

    Civil-law notaries are liable for an amount up to the cover of their professional liability insurance, plus any excess. The minimum standards which the insurance must meet are included in the applicable professional code of conduct.

    Dispute resolution 
    Notarial Complaints and Dispute Resolution Rules apply. Complaints about (candidate) civil-law notaries can be submitted to the notaries discipline board, and fee disputes of up to EUR 10,000 can be submitted to the Dutch Foundation for Consumer Complaints Boards, see the website at www.knb.nl/english or www.degeschillencommissie.nl/english/.

    Applicable law
    Notarial services and any related liability assertions are governed by Dutch law. Only the Dutch courts or the Dutch Foundation for Consumer Complaints Boards have exclusive jurisdiction over such disputes.

    Civil-law notaries professional code of conduct
    The civil-law notary complies with all existing professional codes of conduct. An explanation of these rules can be found in the consumer brochure entitled ‘Spelregels voor notaris en consument’ (‘Rules for civil-law notaries and consumers’) prepared by the Royal Dutch Notarial Association in consultation with the Consumentenbond (a Dutch consumer rights organisation) and Vereniging Eigen Huis (a Dutch homeowners’ association). This brochure can be found at www.knb.nl and can be provided on hard copy upon request.

    Professional organisations/rules
    NautaDutilh N.V.'s lawyers (advocaten), civil law notaries (notarissen), junior civil law notaries (kandidaat-notarissen) and tax advisers (belastingadviseurs) are registered with the following professional organisations and are subject to the respective professional rules (including codes of conduct) of these organisations. The rules are accessible through the relevant organisation's website or upon request from that organisation. All lawyers and notaries working at the Amsterdam and Rotterdam offices of NautaDutilh N.V. have been granted their professional title (respectively "advocaat" and "notaris") in the Netherlands. For more information about the various professional organisations, reference is made to the following address.

    Netherlands Bar Association (Nederlandse Orde van Advocaten)
    Neuhuyskade 94
    2596 XM Den Haag
    T + 31 70 3353535
    www.advocatenorde.nl. Please note the website is only available in Dutch. 
    The professional rules are only available in Dutch.

    Civil law notaries and junior civil law notaries
    Royal Dutch Notarial Society (Koninklijke Notariële Beroepsorganisatie)
    Spui 184
    2511 BW Den Haag
    T. +31 70 330 7111
    www.knb.nl (Dutch) and www.knb.nl/english (English)
    The professional rules are only available in Dutch.

    Tax advisers
    Dutch Association of Tax Advisers (De Nederlandse Orde van Belastingadviseurs)
    Sarphatistraat 500
    1018 AV Amsterdam
    T +31 20 51 41 880
    www.nob.net/nob (Dutch) and www.nob.net/dutch-association-tax-advisers (English)
    The professional rules are only available in Dutch.

    Mandatory disclosure of potentially aggressive cross-border tax planning arrangements – DAC6
    On 25 May 2018, the Council of the European Union adopted a directive with the objective to increase transparency and dissuade intermediaries and tax payers from designing and implementing cross-border aggressive tax planning arrangements (Directive (EU) 2018/822 or DAC6). Pursuant to DAC 6, information related to reportable cross-border arrangements meeting certain conditions and criteria (called "hallmarks") will have to be reported to the tax authorities. Reportable cross-border arrangements will then be subject to automatic exchange with the tax authorities of other EU Member States through a centralized database. Reporting obligations primarily apply to (auxiliary) intermediaries which are defined as any person designing, marketing, organizing, making available for implementation or managing the implementation of a reportable arrangement, including persons knowing, or who could reasonably be expected to know, that they have agreed to provide assistance or advice in relation to the abovementioned services. However, (auxiliary) intermediaries subject to legal professional privilege are exempt from reporting obligations in which case the reporting obligations rely on any other non-exempt (auxiliary) intermediaries or, in the absence thereof, on the taxpayer itself. In view of their legal privilege, attorneys-at-law and notaries within NautaDutilh’s offices qualify as exempt (auxiliary) intermediaries and consequently do not file or report information on cross-border transactions to tax authorities. They remain subject to certain notification obligations and therefore may notify other (auxiliary) intermediaries or, in the absence thereof, their clients that they may have reporting obligations under DAC 6 in respect of certain matters.

  • Legal information Belgium

    Contact details
    NautaDutilh BV/SRL
    Chaussée de La Hulpe 120
    B-1000 Brussels
    T. +32 2 566 80 00 
    F. +32 2 566 80 01 
    E ndbru@nautadutilh.com

    Company registration number: 0479.249.878
    VAT: BE0479.249.878
    Brussels Trade Register

    Legal status, services provided and trade register/VAT number
    NautaDutilh BV/SRL (“NautaDutilh”) is a civil partnership that takes the form of a limited-liability company (burgerlijke vennootschap onder de vorm van een BV/société civile sous la forme d'une SRL), incorporated under Belgian law for the purpose of providing legal services, including legal advice and litigation, as described on our website www.nautadutilh.com. NautaDutilh BV/SRL's VAT number is BE 0479.249.878.

    Together with our clients, we agree on a fee arrangement that meets their needs and interests. Fees, 6% office surcharge and, if applicable, disbursements and VAT are specified in invoices. Invoices are sent monthly, but we can agree to send them with shorter or longer intervals. The payment term for invoices is thirty days as from the invoice date.

    General terms and conditions, applicable law and competent courts
    All legal relationships are subject to NautaDutilh BV/SRL's general terms and conditions, which can be consulted at our website and will be provided free of charge upon request. Belgian law is applicable and the courts in Brussels have exclusive jurisdiction over disputes. Notwithstanding the foregoing, NautaDutilh reserves the right to take legal action before any other competent court, such as the relevant court in the client's jurisdiction.

    NautaDutilh's lawyers are insured in accordance with the rules of their respective professional organisations under professional indemnity policies. Our insurance agent is Marsh B.V., Conradstraat 18, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. More information can be found in the insurance declaration.

    Conflicts of interest 
    NautaDutilh has various internal procedures in place to prevent conflicts of interest from arising, including by checking whether conflicts of interest exist with other matters that are or have been dealt with by NautaDutilh prior to accepting a new assignment.

    If you are not satisfied with any of our services, we encourage you to let the lawyers involved know. If you are not satisfied with the outcome, various options are open to you depending on the type of complaint. In all cases you retain the right to institute civil proceedings. Regarding Brussels lawyers of NautaDutilh you can file disciplinary complaints with the dean of the appropriate Brussels bar association, see www.baliebrussel.be (Dutch) and www.barreaudebruxelles.be (French).

    Professional organisations/rules
    NautaDutilh's lawyers are registered with the following professional organisations and are subject to the respective professional rules (including codes of conduct) of these organisations. The rules are accessible through the relevant organisation's website or upon request from that organisation. All lawyers working at the Brussels office of NautaDutilh have been granted their professional title ('advocaat' or 'advocat') in Belgium.

    Nederlandse orde van advocaten bij de balie van Brussel
    Websites: www.baliebrussel.be/ (Dutch) and www.baliebrussel.be/en (English)
    Professional rules are available in Dutch, not in English.  

    l'Ordre français des avocats du barreau de Bruxelles
    Website: www.barreaudebruxelles.be/ (French). 
    Professional rules are available in French, not in English.

    Mandatory disclosure of potentially aggressive cross-border tax planning arrangements – DAC6
    On 25 May 2018, the Council of the European Union adopted a directive with the objective to increase transparency and dissuade intermediaries and tax payers from designing and implementing cross-border aggressive tax planning arrangements (Directive (EU) 2018/822 or DAC6). Pursuant to DAC 6, information related to reportable cross-border arrangements meeting certain conditions and criteria (called "hallmarks") will have to be reported to the tax authorities. Reportable cross-border arrangements will then be subject to automatic exchange with the tax authorities of other EU Member States through a centralized database. Reporting obligations primarily apply to (auxiliary) intermediaries which are defined as any person designing, marketing, organizing, making available for implementation or managing the implementation of a reportable arrangement, including persons knowing, or who could reasonably be expected to know, that they have agreed to provide assistance or advice in relation to the abovementioned services. However, (auxiliary) intermediaries subject to legal professional privilege are exempt from reporting obligations in which case the reporting obligations rely on any other non-exempt (auxiliary) intermediaries or, in the absence thereof, on the taxpayer itself. In view of their legal privilege, attorneys-at-law and notaries within NautaDutilh’s offices qualify as exempt (auxiliary) intermediaries and consequently do not file or report information on cross-border transactions to tax authorities. They remain subject to certain notification obligations and therefore may notify other (auxiliary) intermediaries or, in the absence thereof, their clients that they may have reporting obligations under DAC 6 in respect of certain matters.

  • Legal Information Luxembourg

    Contact details
    NautaDutilh Avocats Luxembourg S.à r.l.
    2, rue Jean Bertholet
    L-1233 Luxembourg
    Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
    T +352 26 12 29 1
    F +352 26 68 43 31

    Legal status, services provided and VAT number 
    NautaDutilh Avocats Luxembourg S.à r.l. ("NautaDutilh Avocats Luxembourg") is a limited-liability company (société à responsabilité limitée) incorporated under the laws of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg for the purpose of providing legal services. It is registered with the Luxembourg Trade and Companies Register under number B. 189905 and admitted to the Luxembourg bar (List V). Its registered office is at 2, rue Jean Bertholet, L-1233 Luxembourg. The VAT number is LU27127604.

    A list of authorised signatories of NautaDutilh Luxembourg S.à r.l. can be provided upon request Our company provides a comprehensive range of legal services, as described on our website www.nautadutilh.com.

    Together with our clients, we agree on a fee arrangement that meets their needs and interests. Fees, 6% office surcharge and, if applicable, disbursements and VAT are specified in invoices. Invoices are sent monthly, but we can agree to send them with shorter or longer intervals. The payment term for invoices is thirty days as from the invoice date.

    General terms and conditions, applicable law and competent courts
    All legal relationships and legal work provided by NautaDutilh Avocats Luxembourg S.à r.l. are subject to NautaDutilh Avocats Luxembourg S.à r.l.'s general terms and conditions, which can be consulted at our website and will be provided free of charge upon request. The laws of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg are always applicable and the courts of Luxembourg City have exclusive jurisdiction over disputes. Notwithstanding the foregoing, NautaDutilh Avocats Luxembourg S.à r.l. has the right to commence proceedings before any competent court in the client's jurisdiction.

    NautaDutilh Avocats Luxembourg S.à r.l. is insured in accordance with the rules of its professional organisations under professional indemnity policies. Our insurance agent is Marsh B.V., Conradstraat 18, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. More information can be found in the insurance declaration.

    Conflicts of interest 
    NautaDutilh Avocats Luxembourg S.à r.l. has various internal procedures in place to prevent conflicts of interest from arising, including by checking whether conflicts of interest exist with other matters that are or have been dealt with by our company prior to accepting a new assignment.

    Information regarding services
    If you would like information regarding our services, please send an e-mail to ndlux@nautadutilh.com or use the contact details above.

    Professional organisations/rules 
    NautaDutilh Avocats Luxembourg S.à r.l. is registered with the following professional organisation and is subject to the professional rules (including code of conduct) of such organisation. The rules are accessible through the relevant organisation's website or upon request from that organisation.

    Luxembourg Bar Association
    Website: www.barreau.lu


    If you are not satisfied with any of our services, we encourage you to let the lawyers involved know. If you are not satisfied with the outcome, various options are open to you depending on the type of complaint. In all cases you retain the right to institute civil proceedings. Regarding Luxembourg lawyers of NautaDutilh you can file disciplinary complaints with the dean of the Luxembourg bar association – see www.barreau.lu (available only in French).

    Mandatory disclosure of potentially aggressive cross-border tax planning arrangements – DAC6
    On 25 May 2018, the Council of the European Union adopted a directive with the objective to increase transparency and dissuade intermediaries and tax payers from designing and implementing cross-border aggressive tax planning arrangements (Directive (EU) 2018/822 or DAC6). Pursuant to DAC 6, information related to reportable cross-border arrangements meeting certain conditions and criteria (called "hallmarks") will have to be reported to the tax authorities. Reportable cross-border arrangements will then be subject to automatic exchange with the tax authorities of other EU Member States through a centralized database. Reporting obligations primarily apply to (auxiliary) intermediaries which are defined as any person designing, marketing, organizing, making available for implementation or managing the implementation of a reportable arrangement, including persons knowing, or who could reasonably be expected to know, that they have agreed to provide assistance or advice in relation to the abovementioned services. However, (auxiliary) intermediaries subject to legal professional privilege are exempt from reporting obligations in which case the reporting obligations rely on any other non-exempt (auxiliary) intermediaries or, in the absence thereof, on the taxpayer itself. In view of their legal privilege, attorneys-at-law and notaries within NautaDutilh’s offices qualify as exempt (auxiliary) intermediaries and consequently do not file or report information on cross-border transactions to tax authorities. They remain subject to certain notification obligations and therefore may notify other (auxiliary) intermediaries or, in the absence thereof, their clients that they may have reporting obligations under DAC 6 in respect of certain matters.

  • Legal Information UK

    Contact details
    NautaDutilh UK
    Lawyers Civil law notaries Tax advisers
    2 Copthall Avenue
    London EC2R 7DA
    T +44 20 7786 9100
    F. +44 20 7588 6888

    Legal status, services provided and trade register
    NautaDutilh UK ("NautaDutilh") is a partnership under Netherlands law of NautaDutilh UK B.V. and NautaDutilh Londen B.V., which have their seat at Rotterdam, the Netherlands and are recorded in the Rotterdam commercial register under numbers 24375834 and 24264677 respectively. The lawyers, civil law notaries, junior civil law notaries and tax advisers of NautaDutilh do not practise or provide legal advice on English law. We provide a comprehensive range of Dutch law legal services, including legal advice and litigation, as described on our website www.nautadutilh.com.

    Together with our clients, we agree on a fee arrangement that meets their needs and interests. Fees, 6% office surcharge and, if applicable, disbursements and VAT are specified in invoices. Invoices are sent monthly, but we can agree to send them with shorter or longer intervals. The payment term for invoices is thirty days as from the invoice date.

    General terms and conditions, applicable law and competent courts
    All services and other work carried out by NautaDutilh UK are subject to the general conditions of NautaDutilh N.V. (the "General Conditions") and - in such General Conditions - NautaDutilh N.V. should be read as NautaDutilh UK. The General Conditions apply mutatis mutandis to our relationship with third parties relying on statements of NautaDutilh UK and include, among other provisions, a limitation of liability clause and have been filed with the Rotterdam Court of First Instance. They can be consulted at our website and will be provided free of charge upon request. The legal relationships to which these general terms and conditions apply shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Dutch law. Disputes shall be submitted in first instance exclusively to the Amsterdam District Court.

    NautaDutilh's lawyers, civil law notaries, junior civil law notaries and tax advisers are insured in accordance with the rules of their respective professional organisations under professional indemnity policies. Our insurance agent is Marsh B.V., Conradstraat 18, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. More information can be found in the insurance declaration.

    Conflicts of interest 
    NautaDutilh's lawyers, civil law notaries, junior civil law notaries and tax advisers can offer you multidisciplinary services. NautaDutilh has various internal procedures in place to prevent conflicts of interest from arising, including by checking whether conflicts of interest exist with other matters that are or have been dealt with by NautaDutilh prior to accepting a new assignment. Also, civil law notaries have set up internal rules, in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations, to point out to their colleagues the laws and regulations applicable to the notarial profession and to oblige them in the same manner as civil law notaries not to infringe these. 

    If you are not satisfied with any of our services, we encourage you to let the lawyers involved know. If you are not comfortable doing so, or this does not achieve the desired result you can contact NautaDutilh's complaints committee by sending an e-mail to complaintscommittee@nautadutilh.com. The committee will handle your complaint in accordance with our Complaints Procedure Rules (EN)/Kantoorklachtenregeling (NL). If you are not satisfied with the outcome, various options are open to you depending on the type of complaint. In all cases you retain the right to institute civil proceedings.

    Regarding lawyers of NautaDutilh you can issue disciplinary complaints with the dean of the appropriate local bar association (Amsterdam or Rotterdam). Upon your request we can inform you of the correct procedure and the appropriate bar.

    .Regarding tax advisors you can file disciplinary complaints with the Disciplinary Council of the Dutch Association of Tax Advisers, see the website of the NOB. Please note that the website is only available in Dutch

    Civil-law notaries and consumers
    The terms and conditions below apply specifically to notarial services rendered in connection with consumer transactions. 

    Civil-law notary’s explanation of the financial consequences of the services
    The civil-law notary informs clients, in a timely and clear fashion, regarding the financial consequences associated with his/her engagement. He/she provides clients with timely notification if the costs to be charged will be higher than agreed. The costs of these services may not be charged to another engagement, another portion of the engagement, or to anyone other than the client.

    Civil-law notaries are liable for an amount up to the cover of their professional liability insurance, plus any excess. The minimum standards which the insurance must meet are included in the applicable professional code of conduct.

    Dispute resolution 
    Notarial Complaints and Dispute Resolution Rules apply. Complaints about (candidate) civil-law notaries can be submitted to the notaries discipline board, and fee disputes of up to EUR 10,000 can be submitted to the Dutch Foundation for Consumer Complaints Boards, see the website at www.knb.nl/english or www.degeschillencommissie.nl/english/.

    Applicable law
    Notarial services and any related liability assertions are governed by Dutch law. Only the Dutch courts or the Dutch Foundation for Consumer Complaints Boards have exclusive jurisdiction over such disputes.

    Civil-law notaries professional code of conduct
    The civil-law notary complies with all existing professional codes of conduct. An explanation of these rules can be found in the consumer brochure entitled ‘Spelregels voor notaris en consument’ (‘Rules for civil-law notaries and consumers’) prepared by the Royal Dutch Notarial Association in consultation with the Consumentenbond (a Dutch consumer rights organisation) and Vereniging Eigen Huis (a Dutch homeowners’ association). This brochure can be found at www.knb.nl and can be provided on hard copy upon request.

    Professional organisations/rules 
    NautaDutilh's lawyers, civil law notaries, junior civil law notaries and tax advisers are registered with the following professional organisations and are subject to the respective professional rules (including codes of conduct) of these organisations. The rules are accessible through the relevant organisation's website or upon request from that organisation. All lawyers and notaries working at the London office of NautaDutilh have been granted their professional title (respectively "advocaat" and "notaris") in the Netherlands. For more information about the various professional organisations, reference is made to the following address.

    Netherlands Bar Association (Nederlandse Orde van Advocaten)
    Neuhuyskade 94
    2596 XM Den Haag
    T + 31 70 3353535
    www.advocatenorde.nl. Please note the website is only available in Dutch. 
    The professional rules are only available in Dutch.

    Civil law notaries and junior civil law notaries
    Royal Dutch Notarial Society (Koninklijke Notariële Beroepsorganisatie)
    Spui 184
    2511 BW Den Haag
    T. +31 70 330 7111
    http://www.knb.nl/ (Dutch) and www.knb.nl/english (English)
    The professional rules are only available in Dutch.

    Tax advisers
    Dutch Association of Tax Advisers (De Nederlandse Orde van Belastingadviseurs)
    Sarphatistraat 500
    1018 AV Amsterdam
    T +31 20 51 41 880
    http://www.nob.net/nob (Dutch) and www.nob.net/dutch-association-tax-advisers (English)
    The professional rules are available in Dutch and English.

    Mandatory disclosure of potentially aggressive cross-border tax planning arrangements – DAC6
    On 25 May 2018, the Council of the European Union adopted a directive with the objective to increase transparency and dissuade intermediaries and tax payers from designing and implementing cross-border aggressive tax planning arrangements (Directive (EU) 2018/822 or DAC6). Pursuant to DAC 6, information related to reportable cross-border arrangements meeting certain conditions and criteria (called "hallmarks") will have to be reported to the tax authorities. Reportable cross-border arrangements will then be subject to automatic exchange with the tax authorities of other EU Member States through a centralized database. Reporting obligations primarily apply to (auxiliary) intermediaries which are defined as any person designing, marketing, organizing, making available for implementation or managing the implementation of a reportable arrangement, including persons knowing, or who could reasonably be expected to know, that they have agreed to provide assistance or advice in relation to the abovementioned services. However, (auxiliary) intermediaries subject to legal professional privilege are exempt from reporting obligations in which case the reporting obligations rely on any other non-exempt (auxiliary) intermediaries or, in the absence thereof, on the taxpayer itself. In view of their legal privilege, attorneys-at-law and notaries within NautaDutilh’s offices qualify as exempt (auxiliary) intermediaries and consequently do not file or report information on cross-border transactions to tax authorities. They remain subject to certain notification obligations and therefore may notify other (auxiliary) intermediaries or, in the absence thereof, their clients that they may have reporting obligations under DAC 6 in respect of certain matters.

  • Legal Information USA

    Contact details
    NautaDutilh New York P.C.
    Lawyers Civil law notaries Tax advisers
    One Rockefeller Plaza
    Suite 1528
    New York, NY 10020
    T +1 212 218 2990 
    F +1 212 218 2999 

    Legal status, services provided and trade register 
    NautaDutilh New York P.C., registered as a foreign professional service corporation in the State of New York, is a partnership under Netherlands law of NautaDutilh USA B.V. and NautaDutilh New York B.V., which have their seat at Rotterdam, the Netherlands and are recorded in the Rotterdam commercial register under numbers 24408754 and 24235632, respectively. The lawyers, civil law notaries and tax advisers of NautaDutilh New York P.C. do not practice or provide advice on New York law. We provide a comprehensive range of Dutch and Dutch Caribbean law legal services, described more specifically on our website www.nautadutilh.com.

    Together with our clients, we agree on a fee arrangement that meets their needs and interests. Fees, 6% office surcharge and, if applicable, disbursements and VAT are specified in invoices. Invoices are sent monthly, but we can agree to send them with shorter or longer intervals. The payment term for invoices is thirty days as from the invoice date.

    NautaDutilh New York P.C.'s lawyers, civil law notaries, junior civil law notaries and tax advisers are insured in accordance with the rules of their respective professional organisations under professional indemnity policies. Our insurance agent is Marsh B.V., Conradstraat 18, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. More information can be found in the insurance declaration.

    Conflicts of interest
    NautaDutilh New York P.C.'s lawyers, civil law notaries, junior civil law notaries and tax advisers can offer you multidisciplinary services. NautaDutilh New York P.C. has various internal procedures in place to prevent conflicts of interest from arising, including by checking whether conflicts of interest exist with other matters that are or have been dealt with by NautaDutilh New York P.C. Also, civil law notaries have set up internal rules, in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations, to point out to their colleagues the laws and regulations applicable to the notarial profession and to oblige them in the same manner as civil law notaries not to infringe these.

    If you are not satisfied with any of our services, we encourage you to let the lawyers involved know. If you are not comfortable doing so, or this does not achieve the desired result you can contact NautaDutilh's complaints committee by sending an e-mail to complaintscommittee@nautadutilh.com. The committee will handle your complaint in accordance with our Complaints Procedure Rules (EN). If you are not satisfied with the outcome, various options are open to you depending on the type of complaint. In all cases you retain the right to institute civil proceedings.

    Regarding lawyers of NautaDutilh New York P.C. you can issue disciplinary complaints with the dean of the appropriate local bar association (Amsterdam or Rotterdam). Upon your request we can inform you of the correct procedure and the appropriate bar.

    Regarding tax advisors you can file disciplinary complaints with the Disciplinary Council of the Dutch Association of Tax Advisers, see the website of the NOB. Please note that the website is only available in Dutch.

    Civil-law notaries and consumers
    The terms and conditions below apply specifically to notarial services rendered in connection with consumer transactions. 

    Civil-law notary’s explanation of the financial consequences of the services
    The civil-law notary informs clients, in a timely and clear fashion, regarding the financial consequences associated with his/her engagement. He/she provides clients with timely notification if the costs to be charged will be higher than agreed. The costs of these services may not be charged to another engagement, another portion of the engagement, or to anyone other than the client.

    Dispute resolution 
    Notarial Complaints and Dispute Resolution Rules apply. Complaints about (candidate) civil-law notaries can be submitted to the notaries discipline board, and fee disputes of up to EUR 10,000 can be submitted to the Dutch Foundation for Consumer Complaints Boards, see the website at www.knb.nl/english or www.degeschillencommissie.nl/english/.

    Applicable law
    Notarial services and any related liability assertions are governed by Dutch law. The Dutch courts or the Dutch Foundation for Consumer Complaints Boards have exclusive jurisdiction over such disputes.

    Civil-law notaries professional code of conduct
    The civil-law notary complies with all existing professional codes of conduct. An explanation of these rules can be found in the consumer brochure entitled ‘Spelregels voor notaris en consument’ (‘Rules for civil-law notaries and consumers’) prepared by the Royal Dutch Notarial Association in consultation with the Consumentenbond (a Dutch consumer rights organisation) and Vereniging Eigen Huis (a Dutch homeowners’ association). This brochure can be found at www.knb.nl and can be provided on hard copy upon request.

    Professional organisations/rules 
    NautaDutilh New York P.C.'s lawyers (advocaten), civil law notaries (notarissen), junior civil law notaries (kandidaat-notarissen) and tax advisers (belastingadviseurs) are registered with the following professional organisations and are subject to the respective professional rules (including codes of conduct) of these organisations. The rules are accessible through the relevant organisation's website or upon request from that organisation. All lawyers and notaries working for NautaDutilh New York P.C.have been granted their professional title (respectively "advocaat" and "notaris") in the Netherlands. For more information about the various professional organisations, reference is made to the following address.

    Netherlands Bar Association (Nederlandse Orde van Advocaten)
    Neuhuyskade 94
    2596 XM Den Haag
    T + 31 70 3353535
    www.advocatenorde.nl. Please note the website is only available in Dutch. 
    The professional rules are only available in Dutch.

    Civil law notaries and junior civil law notaries
    Royal Dutch Notarial Society (Koninklijke Notariële Beroepsorganisatie)
    Spui 184
    2511 BW Den Haag
    T. +31 70 330 7111
    http://www.knb.nl/ (Dutch) and www.knb.nl/english (English)
    The professional rules are only available in Dutch.

    Tax advisers
    Dutch Association of Tax Advisers (De Nederlandse Orde van Belastingadviseurs)
    Sarphatistraat 500
    1018 AV Amsterdam
    T +31 20 51 41 880
    http://www.nob.net/nob (Dutch) and www.nob.net/dutch-association-tax-advisers (English)
    The professional rules are available in Dutch and English.

    Mandatory disclosure of potentially aggressive cross-border tax planning arrangements – DAC6
    On 25 May 2018, the Council of the European Union adopted a directive with the objective to increase transparency and dissuade intermediaries and tax payers from designing and implementing cross-border aggressive tax planning arrangements (Directive (EU) 2018/822 or DAC6). Pursuant to DAC 6, information related to reportable cross-border arrangements meeting certain conditions and criteria (called "hallmarks") will have to be reported to the tax authorities. Reportable cross-border arrangements will then be subject to automatic exchange with the tax authorities of other EU Member States through a centralized database. Reporting obligations primarily apply to (auxiliary) intermediaries which are defined as any person designing, marketing, organizing, making available for implementation or managing the implementation of a reportable arrangement, including persons knowing, or who could reasonably be expected to know, that they have agreed to provide assistance or advice in relation to the abovementioned services. However, (auxiliary) intermediaries subject to legal professional privilege are exempt from reporting obligations in which case the reporting obligations rely on any other non-exempt (auxiliary) intermediaries or, in the absence thereof, on the taxpayer itself. In view of their legal privilege, attorneys-at-law and notaries within NautaDutilh’s offices qualify as exempt (auxiliary) intermediaries and consequently do not file or report information on cross-border transactions to tax authorities. They remain subject to certain notification obligations and therefore may notify other (auxiliary) intermediaries or, in the absence thereof, their clients that they may have reporting obligations under DAC 6 in respect of certain matters.

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