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Corporate news
The world's leading patent professionals are highlighted in the IAM Global Leaders list. Florence Verhoestraete and Tanguy de Haan, co-heads of our Intellectual Property practice, are part of a select group of 9 Belgian lawyers and 6 patent attorneys who have been recognised as Global Leaders.

To achieve this distinction, individuals must be ranked in the gold tier of the IAM Patent 1000 and be recognised not only for their expertise and experience in creating, protecting, managing, transacting and enforcing critical patent rights, but also for their ability to innovate, inspire and go above and beyond to deliver value to their clients.

Congratulations to both on this achievement. This recognition is just one of many that underline the reputation of Florence and Tanguy as the legal experts to go to in Belgium in the field of intellectual property law and patent litigation.
Managing partner Dirk Van Gerven

The full list of IAM Global Leaders is available here.

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