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Deal or Case news
A NautaDutilh team led by Managing Partner Petra Zijp assisted ABN AMRO and Berenberg as underwriters with the IPO of NX Filtration N.V., the first Green IPO on Euronext Amsterdam.

NX Filtration, the leading global provider of breakthrough direct nanofiltration technology for pure and affordable water, has successfully raised EUR 190 million with the first Green labelled IPO on Euronext Amsterdam. The IPO has been awarded the 'Dark Green' label by CICERO Green which is their highest green ranking corresponding to the long-term vision of a low carbon and climate resilient future. CICERO Green is internationally recognized as a leading provider of independent reviews of green capital.

NX Filtration's technology helps to improve the access to clean water, which is one of the most impactful global sustainable challenges for the coming decades
Partner Petra Zijp

"Assisting the underwriters in an IPO on Euronext Amsterdam is of course part of our core business, but some projects stand out, and the first IPO on Euronext Amsterdam with a 'Dark Green' label is certainly one of them", says Petra. "NX Filtration's technology helps to improve the access to clean water, which is one of the most impactful global sustainable challenges for the coming decades, and going public enables them to accelerate their global growth strategy. It was great to be able to contribute to this Green IPO together with our team."   

The NautaDutilh team was led by Petra Zijp, with Mariëlle van Nimwegen and Maaike Lelifeld as the team's core members. Colleagues throughout the firm, including Antonia Netiv, Esther Schreiber, Pedro Paraguay and Thijs Poelert provided invaluable input.

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