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Andjenie Cheng-A-June

Portrait of Andjenie
Andjenie Cheng-A-June works as an Inclusion & Diversity (I&D) Specialist at NautaDutilh. She focuses on the further development of the strategy and policy around inclusion and diversity within our firm and its implementation. She does this together with, among others, the board and NautaDutilh's two I&D partners Petra Zijp and Geert Raaijmakers.
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Andjenie has extensive experience in developing and implementing I&D initiatives within and outside the legal profession. She is a programme maker and moderator. In doing so, she focuses on innovation and encourages thinking beyond diversity and inclusion. Key features of her work are making connections and recognising differences by viewing them through an intersectional lens.

Andjenie is co-founder of the platform Heritage & Belonging which focuses on connection, education, inspiration and awareness with an I&D foundation.

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