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Floor Nelissen

Senior HR business partner & HR manager Recruitment, Amsterdam

Portrait of Floor
Keeping up with the ever-changing labour market is one of Floor Nelissen's main tasks. As an HR business partner, she stays up to date on developments in talent management, strategic workforce planning, performance management, employment conditions, labour law, diversity and sustainable employability. She ensures that the organisation makes the right decisions and adjustments to remain an employer of choice. Floor is the link between the HR team and the legal practice groups. As HR Manager Recruitment, she is also responsible for leading the recruitment team and developing and implementing the recruitment strategy.
En savoir plus

Floor has been with NautaDutilh since 2015. She started in the Learning & Development team, then worked as an HR Business Partner and took the opportunity to become manager of the Recruitment Team in 2023. She studied work and organisational psychology, and gained HR experience as a recruiter at another law firm and as a senior ship consultant.

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