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Sijmen Vrolijk

Portrait of Sijmen
Sijmen Vrolijk, NautaDutilh's ICT Director, is responsible for developing and executing a forward-thinking IT strategy that supports the firm's business objectives and enhances client services. His extensive background in IT and vendor management underscores a commitment to leveraging technology for operational excellence and innovation in the legal sector.
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Sijmen's role at NautaDutilh reflects a blend of strategic insight and practical application, aimed at ensuring the firm's technology infrastructure not only meets today's needs but is also prepared for tomorrow's challenges.

Recently, Sijmen is exploring the potential of generative AI within legal practices, aiming to harness this emerging technology to optimize the firm's operations and elevate client experiences. He regularly discusses his findings and reflections on LinkedIn, contributing to the conversation on technological advancements in the industry.

Holding a degree in Information & Communication Technology from the Hogeschool van Amsterdam (2002) and an MBA (2015), Sijmen's educational foundation complements his professional experience. His career prior to joining NautaDutilh in 2018 includes different roles at LogicaCMG (CGI) and as Principal Managing Consultant at Quint Wellington Redwood (Eraneos), where he focussed on IT Outsourcing and Governance.

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