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Annick Werts

Portrait of Annick
Annick Werts is a member of the Dispute Resolution group. She advises and represents banks and other financial institutions in the field of financial law, insurance law and liability law. Annick also specialises in corporate criminal law. She mainly advises and assists companies in the areas of fraud, internal investigations and environmental criminal law.
En savoir plus

Annick studied at the Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, where she obtained a master's degree in Criminal Law (cum laude) and a master's degree in Financial Economics (cum laude). During her master she also studied in Montpellier for one semester at l'Université de Montpellier 1.

In May 2016 Annick joined NautaDutilh. She is admitted to the Amsterdam Bar.

Annick regularly writes articles for NautaDutilh's Compliance & Business Integrity blog and the Current Affairs section on money laundering of Tijdschrift voor Sanctierecht & Onderneming.

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