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Isabelle Wilcke - de Hoog

Portrait of Isabelle
Isabelle Wilcke is currently based in the Amsterdam office of NautaDutilh. She is a member of the Corporate Crime & Investigation team which advises and represents (inter)national companies, financial institutions, auditors and governmental authorities on complex (inter)national matters concerning (anti-)money laundering, (anti-)corruption, fraud investigation, sanctions legislation and environmental and economic crime (i.a. Economic Offences Act, Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (Prevention) Act, Sanctions Act, EWSR) and labour accidents.
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Before, Isabelle worked for the practice group Corporate/M&A, were she advised and assisted domestic and international clients on both national and cross-border mergers, joint-ventures acquisitions and corporate governance matters.

Isabelle graduated from Leiden University in 2019 (cum laude) in civil law and criminal law. She is author of the book 'De verzetprocedure bij de OM-strafbeschikking in het licht van artikel 6 EVRM'. Isabelle joined NautaDutilh in January 2020 and is admitted to the Amsterdam Bar.

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