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Corporate news
Peter Craddock, a counsel with the firm specialising in privacy and data protection, cybersecurity and IT, was recently interviewed by Belgian weekly Le Vif/L'Express on digital contact tracing.

Given that personal and sensitive data are collected for contact tracing purposes, fears of hacking and privacy concerns are legitimate. The article raises eight questions addressing the main concerns, such as how contact tracing is done in other countries, when digital contact tracing will be introduced in Belgium, who will collect the data and for which purpose, and the privacy & data protection risks involved.

In answer to the question on how to avoid hacking, one of Peter Craddock's key takeaways is to award the public contract to an application developer that maintains the highest security standards. He also states that it's essential to assign a high number of points to cybersecurity in the requirement specification. 

To guarantee the safety of data and ensure that external testers are able to rule out unsuspected flaws in the future tracing application, Peter recommends that the authorities hold an ethical hacking contest.

The full article is available here (in French).

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