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The Act of 26 February 2021 and certain grand ducal regulations have transposed into Luxembourg law the Audiovisual Media Services Directive (2018/1808) (the "Directive").

The new act modifies the Electronic Media Act of 27 July 1992 in multiple respects. Many of the changes affect audiovisual media service (AVMS) providers, which are now subject to, amongst other things, new information and reporting obligations, modified advertising rules, and a quota for the promotion of European works. Second, the new legislation aims to regulate video-sharing platforms and the providers of such platforms (VSP providers). The act entered into force on 12 March 2021 and is immediately applicable. The first new reporting deadline for AVMS providers is 30 September 2022. In addition, the act is supplemented by two new grand ducal regulations: (i) the grand ducal regulation of 26 February 2021 modifying the rules on commercial communications and the promotion of European works and (ii) the grand ducal regulation of 3 March 2021 modifying the annual fee to be paid by AVMS providers and extending the scope of application of the payment obligation. 

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