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David Metz

David Metz is specialised in corporate law and primarily advises listed companies and other large Dutch and international companies in the areas of corporate governance and corporate structuring. In this, he closely cooperates with other areas of expertise at our firm, including notarial law, financial regulatory, corporate litigation and competition. David is part of the Corporate/M&A group in Amsterdam.
En savoir plus

David was involved in advising the Dutch State on its envisaged investment of EUR 500 million in grid operator Stedin.

David obtained a Bachelor of Science in Governance, Economics & Development from Leiden University College (cum laude), a bachelor's degree in Law from Leiden University (cum laude) and a master's degree in Civil Law from Leiden University (cum laude). In the past he worked as Investment Associate at Bridgewater Associates in the United States.

David joined NautaDutilh in 2022 and he is admitted to the Amsterdam Bar.

  • Publications

    D.C. Metz & G.T.M.J. Raaijmakers, 'Het stakeholdersmodel toen, nu en straks', in: R. Abma, R.J. Gruijters & D.P. van Kleef (red.), De beursvennootschap en de institutionele belegger: naar een nieuwe balans. Bundel ter gelegenheid van het 25-jarig bestaan van Eumedion (Serie Van der Heijden Instituut nr. 185), Deventer: Wolters Kluwer 2023, p. 3-20.

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