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Suzanne Rutten

Portrait of Suzanne
Suzanne Rutten is part of the Corporate M&A team as professional support lawyer. Part of the M&A team is the Corporate Governance Team which advises on a wide range of questions, including in relation to the roles and responsibilities of various corporate bodies. Suzanne mainly focuses on corporate governance as well as ESG aspects (Environmental, Social and Governance) affecting the governance of companies.
En savoir plus

Her main task as professional support lawyer is to ensure she is fully up to date with all the latest developments in corporate law, including ESG and financial institutions. Not only to inform the team, but also to be able to help a client with a legislative or case law question, instantly or through newsflashes, our Financial Update platform, presentations or publications.

  • Inclusion & Diversity

    Suzanne is an enthusiastic advocate for inclusion and therefore part of the I&D Committee and ND Task Force on neurodiversity.

  • Qualifications

    Languages: Dutch, English

    Education: Degree in civil law from the University of Utrecht

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