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Deal or Case news
NautaDutilh assisted Renewaball, the company behind the world’s first circular tennis and padel balls, with an investment of over EUR 3 million. NautaDutilh has been with Renewaball since its launch in 2021.

The round was led by Rubio Impact Ventures and will enable Renewaball to accelerate its mission to significantly reduce the environmental impact of tennis and padel balls across Europe.

Hélène Hoogeboom, the company’s co-founder and CEO, states “every year, more than 350 million tennis balls are used worldwide, not even counting padel balls. With each stroke, countless microplastic particles are released, which we breathe in or end up in the ground when playing outdoors".

Congratulations to all the parties involved, especially Renewaball. This investment will ensure that Renewaball can grow and truly fulfill their mission
Gaike Dalenoord, Corporate/M&A partner
It was a pleasure to assist Renewaball from their beginning and we would like to thank them for their trust in us. We look forward to continuing our relationship and advising them in the next stages of growth as well.
Ruben Rekers, Corporate/M&A associate

About Renewaball

Renewaballs are high-performance, circular tennis- and padel balls. By collecting used/old balls, Renewaball makes a valuable contribution to the fight against pollution and the climate crisis and makes tennis and padel sustainable: first in the Netherlands and then worldwide.

The team consisted of Gaike Dalenoord, Ruben Rekers, Emma Wiggers (Corporate M&A), Celine Houwen and Josephine de Graaf (Corporate Notarial).

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