You will find here in Dutch more information about the merger.
A large team of NautaDutilh advises PLUS on all aspects of the transaction, including corporate and competition. Team leader Leo says: 'There are only a few cooperatives ("coöperaties") of the size of PLUS and Coop. That makes it special to work on their merger. As a result of the merger, a new cooperative will be incorporated, of which entrepreneurs as well consumers will be members.'
NautaDutilh's team consisted of Leo Groothuis, Lieke van der Velden, Arthur Boitelle, Thomas Castermans, Anouk Oosterom, Mariska Kamta, (Corporate M&A), Wijnand Bossenbroek, Esther Schreiber, Leanne Meurs (Corporate Notarial), Mauricette Schaufeli, Nima Lorjé, Evi Mattioli, Felix Seuntjens, Arnout Koeman en Jasmijn van Koetsveld (Competition), Peter Vogels, Albert van der Kolk (Employment), Madelon de Blok, David Wumkes (Real Estate), Burcu Yapici (Data Protection), Marlous Schrijvers, Cyril Christiaans (IT), Janneke de Goeij, Mariebelle Timmermans, (Finance), Arjen Praat (Regulatory), Daan Hannema (Litigation)
Press coverage FD: Supermarkten van Plus en Coop gaan samen verder.