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Deal or Case news
NautaDutilh assisted Telenor Group on the sale of its majority shareholding in Norkring België NV to a listed fund managed by Cordiant.

Telenor Group is one of the world's largest mobile telecommunications companies mainly active in the Nordics and Asia with an annual revenue of approximately EUR 6 billion in 2022. It is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange.

Norkring België NV operates 25 communication and broadcast towers in Belgium formerly owned by the Flemish public broadcaster (VRT).

We are glad to have assisted our long-standing client Telenor Group through the lifecycle of their investment (from acquisition to exit).
Dirk Van Gerven, team lead and Corporate M&A partner

The Corporate / M&A team further consisted of Olivier Van Wouwe, Lentle Nijs and Jelle Schuermans.

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