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Deal or Case news
NautaDutilh Luxembourg, alongside White & Case, has assisted Accelero Capital with the sale of ACDC Holdings, the controlling shareholder of SUPERNAP Italia, to IPI Partners.

Accelero Capital is an investment and management group with a diverse portfolio, focused on the technology, digital media and telecommunications sectors.

SUPERNAP Italia specialises in the development, construction and management of data centre ecosystems in Italy.

IPI Partners is a private equity firm investing in data centres and other technology- and connectivity-related real assets. This is IPI Partners’ first investment in Europe; it comes at a time of rapid and significant data centre growth on the continent.

This was a multifaceted deal which showcased our strong expertise and capabilities in cross-border M&A transactions in the TMT sector
Partner Romain Sabatier

NautaDutilh’s team leader Romain Sabatier: "This was a multifaceted deal which showcased our strong expertise and capabilities in cross-border M&A transactions in the TMT sector. We are very pleased to have worked on this successful transaction for a long-standing client, alongside our good friends at White & Case."

The team further consisted of Caroline Notté and David Al Mari, for corporate matters, and Audrey Derep and Ilhami Karamemis, for the tax aspects.

To read SUPERNAP Italia’s press release, please click here.

This deal has received extensive press coverage. Please find below a selection:

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