The proceeds of the SDG Housing Bond will be used for the financing of affordable, and sustainable social housing in the Netherlands.
In total, NWB Bank has issued more than €13 billion in sustainable bonds, making NWB Bank the largest issuer of SRI bonds in the Netherlands. Internationally, the bank is considered a leading issuer of SRI bonds within the SSA (Sovereigns, Supranationals, and Agencies) space. NWB Bank has committed itself to raising at least 25% of its annual long-term funding through sustainable bond issuances.
The €2 billion 3-year SDG Housing Bond was issued under NWB Bank’s €60,000,000,000 Debt Issuance Program. The 3-year bond settled on the 14th of April 2020 and will be repaid in full on the 14th of April 2023. The bond has a coupon of 0.00% and a re-offer price of 100.548%, for a re-offer yield of -0.182%. The notes are listed on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange.
NWB Bank is a longstanding client of NautaDutilh. Our team for this issuance consisted of Petra Zijp, Dirk Panis (Capital Markets) and Nina Kielman (Tax).